Chargement... TROP MARRANT!!

Discussion dans 'Médias et presse' créé par Ungovernable, 12 Janvier 2006.


    En fait c'est un site américain qui dit que l'armée US devrait envahir le canada et par le fait même en faire un état américain

    Yon't meme des plans d'invasion pis des tshirts a vendre haha.... Mais ohhh sont gentil y nous laisserait le nord du canada pis y renommeraient sa Canadee :)

    Voici quelques unes de leur arguments hyper constructives comme "on leur a voller leur équipe de basket" ou "pourquoi aller sur la lune... parce qu'elle est la! Meme chose avec le canada, c'est juste moins froid!"

    Canada Has Stuff!First off, let's make Alaska actually connected to the U.S. again! Those Alaskan folks are always getting screwed by not being part of the "continental 48 states". Let's give them a nice little bridge downstairs. A little bit of farmland never hurt anything either, but forget the permafrost part. Canada is the second largest country in the world, let's fix that.

    If Christmas ever fails to come, the Canucks did it
    The magnetic north pole is within the Canadian border. We must protect Santa Claus!

    They're just a little too proud
    Perhaps if they didn't think it was so cool to live in "Diet America" we wouldn't need to invade them, but with people like this guy and these people thinking that Canada is the coolest thing since sliced bread, we need to do our part to keep them in their place. There's a reason the continent is called "North America" and not "North Canada".

    They stole our basketball teams
    Since when does the "N.B.A." stand for "Canadians Can Play Too". We need to get Vancouver and Toronto annexed into America to preserve the "N".

    They don't play nicely with each other
    There has been a secessionist movement for years. Quebec doesn't like other Canadians, and the feeling is pretty much mutual. We don't have that in the U.S... you know, there aren't any (Texas) big states (Texas) that think that they're better (Texas) than the rest of the Union (Texas).

    It's possibleWhy go to the moon? Because it's there. Same with Canada, it's just colder than the moon.
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