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Fascisme & extrême-droite RASH RUSSIE: Militant antifasciste assassiné à Moscou

Discussion dans 'Webzine - actualité des luttes et partage d'articles de presse' créé par Mamelon, 18 Novembre 2009.

  1. Mamelon

    Mamelon résistant Membre actif

    Oct 2005
    Un leader des jeunes antifascistes russes, Ivan Khoutorskoï, 26 ans, a été abattu, le 16 novembre, dans son immeuble d'une balle dans la tête. En tant que cofondateur du mouvement RASH (Red and Anarchist Skinheads) à Moscou, il était un ennemi juré des groupes néonazis russes et avait déjà essuyé trois tentatives d'assassinat. "Il semble que les nazis usent de la terreur politique et éliminent leurs opposants", note le Moskovski Komsomolets. Le journal rappelle que Khoutorskoï est le sixième antifasciste tué dans la capitale russe. En réaction à ce dernier assassinat, une centaine de jeunes antifascistes ont détruit le lendemain les bureaux moscovites du mouvement de jeunesse Russie jeune, dont le dirigeant, le député Maxim Michtchenko, est selon eux "le principal soutien des nazis à la Douma d'Etat", rapporte

    Russie: un militant antifasciste assassiné
    17/11/2009 | Mise à jour : 15:20 |
    Un jeune militant antifasciste, surnommé "Brise-mâchoires" pour ses actions musclées contre les nationalistes, a été tué par balles en bas de chez lui, un crime qui témoigne selon des experts d'une inquiétante poussée de violence dans les milieux extrémistes en Russie.

    La victime, Ivan Khoutorskoï, 26 ans, a été abattue hier peu avant 21h (18h GMT) à l'entrée de son domicile à Moscou et a succombé sur place, a annoncé le comité d'enquête du parquet mardi. Son meurtrier est actuellement recherché.

    "Selon les (premiers) éléments de l'enquête, le jeune homme tué était un membre actif d'un mouvement antifasciste", a indiqué le comité, qui précise que cette piste sera suivie de près par les enquêteurs.

    Selon le mouvement de gauche IKD (Institut d'action collective), dont la victime était un sympathisant actif, Khoutorskoï était "l'un des leaders informels du mouvement de jeunesse antifasciste".

    "Pour la majorité des amis d'Ivan, il est évident que le meurtre a été commis par des (néo)nazis russes", souligne le mouvement sur son site internet, où figure également une photographie du jeune homme, cheveux rasés et T-shirt noir sur des bras musclés.

    L'IKD note que des sites internet de la mouvance ultranationaliste publient régulièrement les noms et adresses des sympathisants antifascistes "en appelant à leur élimination".

    Khoutorskoï avait déjà réchappé à trois agressions depuis 2005: la dernière remonte à janvier 2009, lorsque le jeune homme avait reçu un coup de couteau dans le ventre après une rixe, relate IKD.

    Selon Alexandre Verkhovski, directeur du centre d'information et d'analyse Sova, spécialisé dans les questions de xénophobie et nationalisme, dans la vaste galaxie antifasciste, Khoutorskoï appartenait à la catégorie "combattants", chargés de "mener une guerre de rue" contre les nationalistes.

    Pour s'entraîner, il organisait notamment "des tournois de +mixfight+ un genre de lutte sans règles", et assurait aussi la sécurité lors des concerts antifascistes, a-t-il expliqué.

    Selon lui, ce meurtre et les conditions dans lesquelles il s'est déroulé sont un signal inquiétant: "La violence s'accroît, la confrontation devient plus acharnée. Avant, on tuait les antifascistes à coups de couteaux. A présent c'est avec des armes à feu", a-t-il remarqué.
  2. Putain, encore un ............ -_-

    C'est pas drole ce qui se passe en russie, c'est de pire en pire.... Surtout à moscou, c'est là que c'est le pire... En sybérie selon les antifa russe sur la situation est beaucoup mieux, mais c'est un des rare endroit....
  3. Mamelon

    Mamelon résistant Membre actif

    Oct 2005
    RIP Ivan “Kostolom” Hutorskoy! Moscow Antifascist murdered by Nazis

    Yesterday, on November 16 we lost our friend.

    Ivan Hutorskoy, also known as “Kostolom”, was an Antifascist and he died for his beliefs.

    Ivan was one of the founders of Russian militant Antifascist movement.

    He was one of those few kids who stood up against the Neo-Nazi hordes, dominating the Russian punk/hardcore scene in the 90-s and early 00-s.

    While the majority of the scene was compromising with Nazi assholes, Kostolom and his closest friends started to kick the fascists out of the gigs. Soon Ivan became the founder and respected leader of Moscow RASH (Red And Anarchist Skinheads).

    Throughout the years he was fighting Nazis on the streets, organizing the security of punk/hardcore gigs, taking part in countless demos, training kids in martial arts.

    Neo-Nazis hated Ivan, always scared of him as one of their most dangerous enemies. His photos, address and death threats to him were posted on countless Neo-Nazis web-sites.

    He had been attacked many times, ambushed near his house, always jumped by numerous opponents packed with knifes, bats and screwdrivers. He used to spend weeks in hospitals, often balancing on the edge between life and death. But he always stayed true to his beliefs and ideals.

    Always on the front line. Always ready to fight any enemy, even when outnumbered. His nickname – Kostolom (“Bonecrusher” in Russian ) spoke for itself.

    Ivan was ambushed near his apartment. The cowards shot him twice in the back of his head, too scared to face him even with a gun in their hands.

    He lived his life like a warrior and died like a true hero.

    Rest in peace, uncle Vanya! You are in our hearts forever! Never forget!
  4. Yesterday evening Monday 16th, 26 years old Ivan Khutorskoy aka Vanya-kostolom was shot dead at the entrance of his house. This name is not well-known among general public, but he was a colossal figure among Russian antifascists and left activists. First of all he is known as one of informal leaders of youth antifascist movement, and one of founders of R.A.S.H. (Red and Anarchist skinheads) – community of skinheads-antifascists adhering to the left political views. It’s obvious for the most of his friends that the murder has been committed by Russian neo-nazi.


    Ivan’t initials, photos and home address, as well as ones of many other antifascists like Fedor Filatov and Timour Dzhaparidze were repeatedly published on nazi-websites in order to call nazi-bastards for his destruction. It was the 4th attempt on Ivan’s life. First he was assaulted by nazi in 2005. This incident was fixed by a camera and was shown in a documental program “Ordinary antifascism”. Then attackers waited for Ivan in the entrance of his house, stubbed him in the neck with a screwdriver, and inflicted several blows by a baseball bat – he miraculously survived. The third attack was carried out on January, 2009 – Ivan was stubbed in the stomach during a street fight, this wound was also almost lethal but he survived again. And now, when everything else had failed, Nazis decided to try guns.

    It was a kind-hearted and responsive man, he was always ready to help his friends in any situation. Ivan was an example of indomitable will and courage for all of us. He remained faithful to his convictions till the end. With Ivan, any such claims post-mortem would be a misrepresentation any way around, as every clique and crew in the scene considered him as one of them, and he was respected and loved by absolutely everyone. Ivan considered himself a RASH skinhead, which did not bothered apolitical and patriotic Moscow Trojan Skinheads to consider him as one of them. And anarchists of course considered Ivan one of the anarchists, and it is true that Ivan had anti-authoritarian and social positions and was always ready to provide security for anarchists events. But he did not lived for activism – he lived for the streets and for the punk rock.

    Perpetrators will be prosecuted – we will do all our best for it. Our duty is to continue activities started by him.

    Antifascists Siberia and Far East bring their condolences to relatives and friends Vani. In our hearts he will remain forever.

    Vanya's father died a few years ago, he is by his mother and his sister. Donations to support friends and family with funeral costs are welcome, you may use Yandex-money account 41001411894609, or in case you do not know what that is, you may donate through ABC-Moscow: But in this case write to ABC-Moscow about your plans (abc-msk AT riseup DOT net, and also indicate in transfer that it is “for Kostolom friends and family”. ... mrade.html
